D.Roos, J.Kardoeus: ISO7064-standardised Check Digits Applied to Blood Bag Numbers release 1.1.1i (draft)

ISO7064-standardised Check Digits Applied to Blood Bag Numbers
Blood product bag numbers
MOD11,10 algorithm
Calculation and validation examples
Coding sample
Hints to users
Hints to developers
References, copyright, disclaimer

Hints to software users

The personel at the blood product consumer's site has to be advised by means of written standard operation procedures or equivalents (e.g. extended alert dialog), that check digit procedures do not provide full security against transmission and storage errors. This is obvious from the stochastic fact, that 10% of randomised numerical strings are found to be "valid" by MOD11,10 proofreading.

Error events have to be monitored and analysed by the responsible quality supervisor. Troubleshooting has to be initiated in case of error events by revision of the IT-equipment and/or instructions to the involved personel. Only combined with event-related troubleshooting check digit application enhances reliability of lot documentation.

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