D.Roos, J.Kardoeus: ISO7064-standardised Check Digits Applied to Blood Bag Numbers release 1.1.1i (draft)

ISO7064-standardised Check Digits Applied to Blood Bag Numbers
Blood product bag numbers
MOD11,10 algorithm
Calculation and validation examples
Coding sample
Hints to users
Hints to developers
References, copyright, disclaimer

Hints to software developers

Check digit procedures from ISO standard 7064 are "state of the art" according to the quality requirements for their intended use. Other check digit algorithms may have serious deficiencies and are not recommended to be used. MOD11,10 algorithm provides an appropriate level of reliability to enhance blood product bag identification in haemotherapy.

For the development of systems for workflow support and documentation it is recommended:

Software at blood donations center site

  1. Newly developed software must enclose a MOD11,10 check digit into identification numbers on both blood product bags and any type of accompanying documents as well. Running system shall be upgraded as soon as possible.
  2. It is not subject of this guideline, if and how the BDS applies "internal" check digits to enhance quality security of preparation workflow. BDS-internal check digits may be cut before the calculation of external relevant check digit. This may be useful to meet international Eurocode data structures or national agreements.
  3. The vendor of blood products has to inform his customers in time about any changes in data structures.

Software at blood product customers site

  1. Newly developes software must provide decoding of MOD11,10 check digits to detect transmission or storage errors. Running software shall be upgraded as soon as possible.
  2. Check digit proofreading shall be applied to any type of data entry such as via keyboard, barcode, OCR, mobile storage media, and remote access.
  3. The software must be customiseable to activate or deactivate check digit proofreading dependent the specific vendor.
  4. The software may be prepared to support different ISO check digit standards. Details are not subject of this guideline.
  5. The software may support additional plausibility checks of country codes, BDS code, and/or other characteristics. Details are not subject of this guideline.
  6. The Eurocode blood product bag number has to be stored completely at any step of documentation at the blood product customers site. Never cut the check digit!
  7. If the software has detected an "invalid" input it must present a well designed error dialog asking the user for correct input. The error event has to be alerted to the system administrator and logged including any event attributes such as input source, input values, time, user identity, and user response. Alerting and logging will allow to detect the presence or absence of improper user actions, problems with IT-equipment and to manage troubleshooting at both the consumer's and vendor's sites. Log files should be archived to enable proof of input and storage quality retrospectively in case of subsequent medical or legal events.
  8. If the software allows entry of "invalid" bag numbers (recommended) there must be a user dialog stating the consequences of entering "invalid" numbers.
  9. Additional advise may be requested from the authors.

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Disclaimer | Copyright last revision: 25.11.2000 20:54